A recent crane accident in New York underscores the danger of struck-by accidents caused by falling debris on construction sites. According to an article in the New York Daily News, a crane spun around in inclement weather and caused debris to land a block away from the construction site. Although no injuries were reported, the incident underscores the need to take safety measures to prevent falling objects and struck-by accidents on New York construction sites. If you have questions about filing a claim, you should seek advice from a New York construction accident attorney as soon as possible.
Dangerous Crane Debris Caused by High Winds
According to the article, the falling debris came from an 85-story luxury apartment building that is currently under construction at W. 57th Street and Sixth Avenue. High winds caused by the remnants of Hurricane Zeta led the crane, attached to the apartment tower, to “weathervane,” or spin in circles. As the crane spun around, it knocked debris from the building on the ground, with some of it landing a block away from the construction site. One witness described the crane “spinning in circles” and “ripping off pieces of the building.” That debris, according to the witness, was made up primarily of “big metal pieces” that were dropping onto the ground below.
Some people noticed sparks as the metal debris struck the ground, and many people sought shelter in indoor buildings nearby. While a spokesperson from the Department of Buildings emphasized that the “weathervaning” is not a problem in itself since that is a “standard configuration for crane towers,” the debris falling from the structure clearly presents a serious problem. The city plans to investigate whether the debris resulted from the crane’s “weathervaning,” and initial reports noted that some pieces of metal that landed about a block away were as large as 20 feet in length. Police that arrived at the scene, according to the article, “warned people nearby to stay indoors.”
Struck-by Accidents and Construction Site Injuries
Struck-by accidents, which are those in which a person is struck by an object on a construction site, are more common than you might think. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), struck-by injuries are one of the “fatal four,” meaning that these types of injuries are responsible for some of the highest numbers of construction accident deaths in the industry.
There are many ways to prevent struck-by accidents. Construction owners and workers can take precautions when it comes to preparing scaffolding and materials on construction buildings, as well as the use of safety equipment like helmets and other safety protocols that prevent construction workers from being in the path of falling debris and other objects that could result in serious or fatal struck-by accidents and injuries.
Seek Advice from a New York Construction Accident Attorney
If you were injured in a construction accident in New York, you could have multiple options for compensation. In addition to workers’ compensation benefits, you could be eligible to file a claim under New York Labor Law. To learn more, you should get in touch with a New York construct accident lawyer as soon as possible. Contact Leitner Varughese Warywoda PLLC to receive more information.